Het Retorisch Kwartet

‘The rhetorical quartet’ is an early music vocal quartet based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
10 October 2015
Luca Marenzio (1556-1599) & Cipriano de Rore (c.1515-1565)

On 10 October, Het Retorisch Kwartet will perform a short programme of four Italian madrigals as part of the Kunstroute Kralingen-Crooswijk. The two short performances will be at Lambertusstraat 104 in Kralingen, Rotterdam, where a number of artists have their studios.

  • Saturday, 10 October 2015, 1 pm and 3 pm
    Lambertusstraat 104, 3062 XA Rotterdam


  • Beato mi direi - Cipriano de Rore
  • Amor ben mi credevo - Cipriano de Rore (c.1515-1565)
  • Ben qui si mostra il ciel - Cipriano de Rore
  • O bella man, che mi destringi ’l core - Luca Marenzio (1556-1599)
  • Candido leggiadretto e caro guanto - (second part of O bella man)