Het Retorisch Kwartet will perform a selection of unaccompanied four-part arrangement of songs as part of an open-house event in Schiebroek - the Huiskamerroute Schiebroek-Hillegersberg.
13:00 and 15:00, Sunday, 16 September 2012
Address: Familie van Niekerk, Kastanjesingel 28, 3053 HM Rotterdam (Schiebroek) - map.
- Sweet stay a while - John Dowland (1563-1626)
- Fine knacks for ladies - John Dowland
- Disdain me still - John Dowland
- All ye whom love or fortune - John Dowland
- If my complaints could passions move - John Dowland
- Weep, O mine eyes - John Bennet (1599)
- Now, O now, I needs must part - John Dowland